Though it seems to have only been around for a few years, CBD is becoming more and more popular with people who are looking for a natural way to improve their health and wellbeing. From those who want to sleep better, to those who are trying to ease the symptoms of arthritis, millions of people are starting to use CBD to help.
Because of this popularity, there has been an explosion of CBD products and ways to use it. From CBD oral drops to edible versions like our CBD gummies, to topical creams and more.
Today though we are going to learn more about vaping CBD, why you might want to vape CBD e liquid and how to do so safely and effectively.
What Is CBD oil?
Before we get into the details of vaping CBD oil though, it’s important to know what CBD oil actually is.
Cannabidiol CBD (otherwise known as CBD) is a chemical taken from the cannabis plant. For thousands of years cannabis has been used to help people, and CBD is the main ingredient in the cannabis plant which does this.
However it is important to note that there are hundreds of other helpful chemicals in cannabis that can also be included in CBD oil, such as terpenes, fatty and amino acids. They work together to generate an 'entourage effect' improving the effectiveness of the compounds.
The one chemical that isn’t in CBD oil though is THC. You may have heard of this chemical, as it is the reason that cannabis is a psychoactive drug (and why cannabis is illegal). This THC is taken out of the CBD, which means that CBD vape juice or CBD oils will not get you “high”.
Is CBD legal in the UK?
CBD is absolutely legal in the UK, and is all down to the lack of THC. As we just said, CBD doesn’t have THC in (or if it does then a tiny amount) which means CBD isn't psychoactive and isn’t a “drug” in the same way cannabis is.
But not being psychoactive isn’t the only reason why chemicals are made illegal, the other main factor is safety.
The good news on this front is that CBD is safe to use, with a comprehensive study on the effect of CBD on the human body showing that most people didn’t get side effects. Even those who did have side effects though mainly reported mild drowsiness as the unintended effect. As of yet there have been no signs of long term issues.
Perhaps the most important indicator that CBD is safe to use though is that the MHRA (Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency) will allow them to be considered medicine.
As of yet most CBD products haven’t gone through the process to be classified as a medicine, but the fact that they can be shows that the MHRA considers CBD to be safe and legal.

Why is CBD oil used for vaping?
CBD is safe to use, and doesn’t have THC in, but the question you might be asking yourself is why use it in the first place?
The science is still new on exactly how CBD helps, but so far the benefits of vaping CBD seem to be that it could help with:
- Focus and concentration
- Depression
- Anxiety and panic disorders
- Arthritis
- Chronic pain
- Insomnia and trouble sleeping
- Multiple sclerosis
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
And this is just a few of some of the problems that CBD shows signs of helping with.
Before we go on it’s important to note that CBD is not curing any of these conditions, however from early studies CBD oil seems to be able to help with the symptoms.
CBD can do all of this because it activates and boosts something called the endocannabinoid system. This is a group of neurotransmitters and receptors which are everywhere in your body including your brain, organs and spine.
By boosting this system CBD seems to be able to make it work harder, helping with everything we mentioned here.
But there are a lot of options on how you get your CBD, why vape it?
Interestingly it seems that CBD e-liquids are the most efficient way to take cannabidiol. According to this study, as there are a huge amount of blood vessels in lungs, the CBD is absorbed most efficiently as a vapour.
What does CBD infused e-liquid contain?
Before we go on though, we need to make something clear DO NOT VAPE ANY CBD OIL NOT DESIGNED FOR VAPING. This is important as the CBD oils that are for putting on your tongue are based on an oil, which is harmful to your lungs if vapourised.
When you buy CBD to vape make sure it is the type that you can vape safely.
CBD e liquids are like any other e-liquid you put into your vaping devices, that is there are only a few ingredients, almost all of which are in other food or drink you have everyday.
CBD e-liquids are made up of:
Vegetable Glycerine (VG) - is normally made from soybean, coconut or palm oil, and can be found in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products.
Propylene Glycol (PG) - Propylene Glycol has been a common ingredient for a huge range of products for years. It can be found in everything from medicine, to food and personal hygiene products. For example ice cream has PG in
Flavouring - Commonly found in food such as vanillin
CBD - In most vaping liquid it will be a CBD isolate, and has been tested to make sure that no THC is in there.
If you are an E-Cigarette user then this list will look very familiar. These are almost exactly the same ingredients that are in e-liquids, but with nicotine replaced with CBD.
The good news is that we know the vapour from vape pens works, and is safe and that will apply to CBD vape pen vapour as well.
What type of CBD oil is the most suitable for vaping?
As we said before, under no circumstances should you vape normal CBD oils.
The CBD oils which are designed for oral use are not safe to inhale as they are not made from VG/PG, you will just be inhaling hot oil into your lungs.
With that out of the way, the world of CBD vaping is wide, and it will come down to what you like and works for you. This could be a low CBD dosage liquid, or one without much flavour.
To find what is most suitable for you will require some trial and error, but as long as you are getting the CBD from a reliable source with high quality CBD, you should find something you like.

How much CBD oil is needed?
There is no fixed amount dosage for CBD. This is because each of us is different and will react to CBD differently. It also depends on why you are using CBD in the first place.
For example if you are someone who is using it to help them sleep, you will need a different dosage than someone who is using CBD to manage their pain.
The best advice we can give is to start low and work your way up. That way you can figure out the doses of CBD you need and what works for you.
How to check the quality when purchasing CBD for vaping?
We said before that as long as you are getting your CBD from a reliable source and getting high quality CBD then you shouldn’t have a problem, and both can be checked by if they provide a testing certificate.
The testing certificate is exactly what it sounds like, a certificate from a 3rd party laboratory that has tested the CBD to make sure it is safe and good to use.
Here at SMOKO you can find all our certificates on all of our CBD products and see exactly what is in the products we sell, and if a company isn’t showing that then that is a big red flag.
How to check the quality when purchasing CBD for vaping?
There are of course a lot of places to buy CBD from, but if you want a CBD that has all the testing certificates, years of experience in vaping, and makes all their products in the UK, then SMOKO is the way to go.
We have been selling E-Cigarettes since 2012 and are proud to make all our liquids in the UK, and so when we started selling CBD, we made sure that continued.
If you are looking to start vaping CBD that is UK made, is up to the highest standards - and tastes great as well - then check out the SMOKO CBD range for CBD products you can trust!
*2024 Update - Don't miss out on our limited-time offer of a FREE* pack of CBD Gummy Bears when you buy any of our amazing CBD products!